Shop By Vehicle

Valve shims

ProX Valve Shim Assortment KTM - 10.00 from 1.875 to 3.175

1215 kr incl tax

ProX Valve Shim Assortment KTM - 8.90 from 1.72 to 2.60

926 kr incl tax

ProX Valve Shim Assortment KTM - 8.90 from 1.74 to 2.58

911 kr incl tax

ProX Valve Shim 7.48 x 1.20 mm.

116 kr incl tax

ProX Valve Shim 7.48 x 1.225 mm.

116 kr incl tax

ProX Valve shim 7.48 x 1.25 mm.

116 kr incl tax

Här hittar du ventilshims,shimssats till motorcyklar,fyrhjulingar,mopeder och fordon som tex Yamaha,Suzuki,KTM,Honda,Kawasaki,Husqvarna,Beta,Harley Davidsson,Ducati,Polaris,Rieju